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QGF-50 Full Automatic Filling and Sealing Machine(Jelly) Machine running in Vietnam
QGF-X2 Full Automatic Filling and Sealing Machine( Sauce) Machine have been exported to USA
HF Revolving Sealing Machine(Filling Chocolate) Machine have been exported to Indonesia
<p><iframe frameborder="0" width="100%" height="250" src="https://v.qq.com/iframe/player.html? vid=w0396i2k4zj&...
HF Revolving Sealing Machine(Filling Candy) Machine have been exported to Indonesia
BGF Semi-Automatic Filling and Sealing Machine(Yogurt) Machine running in Zhongshan, China
ZGD Automatic Bag Filling and Sealing Machine(For Filling Oil) Machine have been exported to Panama